What does a hygienist eat?
The hygienist diet does not include refined foods such as: white flour and rice, sugar, salt and others that have lost their original nutrients.
By Catherine Ariana
Raw and fresh fruit and vegetables, from which we get the nutrients needed, predominate the hygienist menu.
In the image you may note the big difference between a hygienist food pyramid and the conventional one where we find an overabundance of carbohydrates and protein compared to the quantity of fruit and vegetables which are rich in water.
As a result of a diet lacking in water and fiber our waste gets a hard consistency making it stay longer in the intestines and leading to people developing constipation, toxemia and liver problems. Our internal piping needs to be free from waste to keep a proper flow of ingested substances and maintain good villous hygiene related to assimilation.
The importance of raw fruit and vegetables is that they are still alive. As living beings it is coherent that we feed ourselves with food that keeps its original constitution. If we only eat cooked and processed food that has lost its enzymes and the complete variety of nutrients that nature prepared, then we are going to

introduce into our system an empty substance that will cause more work and steal more energy than providing it.
Cooked food may be considered where cold temperatures are the norm, where the body has to fight the cold. Nonetheless, the percentage of cooked food is low, merely 30%, and compatibilized.
We always have a big salad before cooked food to avoid depressing the immune system.
There are different forms of hygienism, each form having in common the aforementioned characteristics:
Consumes chocolate, meat, and drinks wine and coffee, though all organic and in low quantities.
Eliminates any food produced by animals such as dairy, honey, meat, etc.
Consumes neither alcohol nor meat and practices food compatibility.
Usually practices hygienism for health reasons.
Often chooses hygienism as a way of life. Practices food compatibility on a personal level and knows the reactions of the body and its needs. Fasts daily with sour fruit juices, has fruit for lunch, even during wintertime, and eats only fruit at least two days per week; does fruit cures every new season. For a balanced mind, sport and other healthy habits are commonly practised in daily life.
An offshoot of the comprehensive line, the difference being the high restriction of acidic cereals such as whole rice and wheat as well as cow milk derivatives. Products from goat or sheep milk are preferred.
Other differences are the didactic method used and the focus since adaptive hygienists are interested in surviving and increasing the human potential in their current environment.
Among comprehensive and adaptive hygienism it is very common to follow a so-called biorhythm, a diet adapted to each person and their respective conditions such as personality, work, state of health, etc. The biorhythm is a tool to learn from yourself and create a new health through years of practice.
Self-knowledge is very important in order to manage without medicine. As a consequence of the healing process, hygienists avoid taking medicine as well as legal and illegal drugs thus losing their dependence on pills.
They learn to be healthy.