What is
Natural Hygiene -
Natural Hygiene gives great significance to nutrition as a way of reintegrating a human being to nature, to health, to the planet. Our diet determines what we are; the quality of the bricks with which we construct the body also determine a manner of life, of thinking and feeling.
By Catherine Ariana.
The way of life I want to exhibit here has been known in different parts of the world under different names. This ocurred because throughout its history there hasn't been one connected community such as with other philosphies.
Because of this isolation, the various lines of theoretically the same philosophy have developed their own distinct characteristics mainly due to climate and food availability.
Originally, in the US where it was invented it was called Orthopathy. Currently it is known in English as Natural Hygiene, in French as Higiène Vitale or Hygiénisme and in Spanish, my mother language, as Higienismo. German Urkost is also a line of Natural Hygiene.
That means that for what I practice here there is currently no word in English. Using the normal English term will confuse it with what is practiced in the US.

The picture shows an example of Adaptative Hygienism compatibility. Not a fruit salad but layer by layer.
I will have to call it hygienism in order to distinguish it from its foreign counterparts and also keep the transformations and the terms created later.
Hygienism appeared some 200 years ago from the search by vegetarian communities in the United States and the investigation by doctors such as Isaac Jennings and Sylvester Graham. They saw how their patients got sicker as a result of the medicaments and opted for discontinuing them, thus discovering the self-healing qualities of the body itself and the factor of nutrition as a crucial tool in the creation of health.
They discovered the respect for life energy and the confidence in the natural healing properties of living beings.
Since then, and by these principles, various authors around the world such as Herbert Shelton (US) and Désiré Mérien (Fr) have dedicated their lives to the practice of this form of nutrition, the only way of knowledge possible in the laboratory that is the internal body: experiencing the responses in each daily act.
A clean organism openly communicates its needs and well-being. This is a key factor for the restoration and maintaining of health.
Over time the hygienist guidelines become instinctive to the extent of how the body-mind relation improves and the level of body awareness increases facing the liberation of the senses from toxic substances and metabolic waste by cleaning and maintaining the internal “piping” in good condition so that food is assimilated optimally. Once tissue and organs have lost the density provoked by a sedentary lifestyle, ill-chosen compatibilities or toxins that have entered, they are able to express their full potential.
Higienismo adaptativo or Adaptative Hygienism (the chilean line I practice ) studies the human body and its echo in life. Considering environmental, emotional and physical conditions of each patient and their nature as a species, its proposal encourages the criterion “from the ideal to the possible”.
During each consultation the bio-therapy emphasizes the clinical eye, the ability to see and interpret the patient in their integral language.
The individual is evaluated for their specificity and is never considered statistics.
Furthermore, the field of psycho-organics allows for a nature-centric understanding of the mood and its actions in everyday life.
Hygienist treatment consists of a regimen rich in fruit which, in an organized way, provide a thorough cleansing of all systems. The patient is in charge of doing the treatment at home, following the prescribed schedule. Progress and change depend solely on their efforts, development of will and love for life. Hence the essential importance of creating a flexible structure connected to the echo of what is intrinsically human and a nutrition proper to the human being, allowing for increased problem solving skills and adaptation to conflict situations.
Personal knowledge is the key for confronting any and all vicissitudes.
A large part of the current environmental conditions are related to the loss of the human “home”. The human being is the only species that has forgotten how to nourish itself, how to stay healthy and in line with natural law. The consequence of this loss is recorded in the emergence of new diseases never created by nature, overpopulation and overexploitation of resources and the apparent degeneration of the planet.
Hygienism considers all of these factors and proposes a personal ecology. Which is to say that the human being requires cleaning his blood, language, doing and feeling. Basically, a global change is needed that can only be achieved through a radical re-evaluation of our habits because we are dealing with a problem of such magnitude that it requires solutions of equal magnitude.
The majority of the people get to know hygienism in order to better their health or, including, to regulate their weight. Without thinking, as a consequence they receive more than that: sustained health, knowledge of nutrition, greater life potential and coherence among other.
Hygienism gives great significance to nutrition as a way of reintegrating a human being to nature, to health, to the planet. Our diet determines what we are; the quality of the bricks with which we construct the body also determine a manner of life, of thinking and feeling.
It is through this return to trust that one understands the vitality, longevity and immunity that hygienism so defends. Changing the internal fluids from acidic to alkaline, constipation to fluidity and exhaustion to well-being. Everything, beginning with the cleaning of the internal piping and maintaining the house called “body” tidy.