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A Perspective and Proposition Concerning the Planetary Crisis

Instinct magazine celebrates its history in this compilation of the works published in these years and joins unedited texts associated with the human being and his links to nature. The separation from nature has direct consequences on the state of disease that the human organism and the planet presently suffer, a condition visible in the colour of the sky in the capital cities and palpable in the health of the species.

This material is a first installment of a series designed for people who want to change their way of living and feeling.

The book features a first part in which a perspective is shown where nature is the centre of the events of life. Basically, it shows the role of the human being in the interpretation of his environment and his own conditions.

The second part offers a series of pro-health propositions, among them adaptive Hygienism, a practical tool to re-establish physiological functions and ecological regulator. It includes dietary suggestions, cooking recipes and properties of fruit eaten abundantly by hygienists.

The third part of the book offers a series of tips regarding the relationship with one’s body, movement and its stimulation.

In closing, the fourth part introduces us to feeling. It expresses a reverence to life, proposes communication with ourselves and the environment and with love.



Size: 21×13,5 cm.

Pages: 190, including illustrations.




  • First part: Perspective

  • Common sense. Instinct

  • How much human being in a urban being?

  • Hygienism: the challenge to the system

  • Plagues and illnesses

  • Edibles

  • Ecological action

  • Second Part: Proposition.

  • Comprehensive hygienism

  • Comprehensive proactive bio-therapy

  • Detoxification

  • What is a biorhythm?

  • What does a hygienist eat?

  • How to begin with hygienism?

  • Food combinations

  • Recipes from the hygienist cuisine

  • Third part: Body Complements

  • Fourth part: The sense


The book in Chilean libraries::



The book “Instinct” can be found in the following libraries in




Library System of Providencia

(store at metro stations Pedro de Valdivia and Parque Bustamente)



Biblioteca de Santiago;

(metro station Quinta Normal)


 +56 9 8913 03 03

Distance treatment and workshops for patients abroad. 

  • YouTube

© 2018 por Catherine Ariana

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